Monday, January 18, 2021

Ask me anything!

I'm a trilingual Malaysian copywriter, singer, and songwriter. I speak English, Malay and Cantonese. Ask me anything!

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm back!

Hi everyone!

After being M.I.A. for years... I'm back! ^_^

I was browsing through my old blog posts and I couldn't help but cringe... @_@ It's because that "little girl" who wrote those blog posts from 2005 till 2011 is gone. 

I think I have matured an awful lot in the past three years. My priorities have changed since three years ago and I've learnt to handle my emotions better than before. That "little girl" will always be a part of my history, but she's not a part of me anymore... :) Reading my old blog posts felt like I was reading someone else's blog; a teenager's blog. It's weird.

Anyway, if you just got acquainted with me, please DO NOT read my old blog posts. If curiosity got the better of you, please do bear in mind that I'm a different person now... aight? -_-"

I just started a new blog. Check it out:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Life is Heart

Watch what The Star, NST and other newspapers are featuring about!

There are moments when we lose all our dreams and all we live for. But life has a way of springing a surprise when we least expect; when we least deserve it.

A heartwarming story of a boy and a girl, their dreams and... a bear.

Come and reignite dreams, and experience hope; as some things do matter... and it's a matter of the heart.

(An original short film by Acts Church.)

Premiered on Christmas Day 2011.

Our short film was featured on The Star.
Check it out here:

I'm so proud of all those who were involved in Life is Heart... especially... YOU... =)

Monday, June 6, 2011

I won!

*woot!* I just found out that I have won myself 50 postcards (courtesy of Gina Yap and Ernest Ng) in a Father's Day contest!!! ^_^ Yayyy!

via Facebook

X-Men: First Class was indeed first class! Me lovey James McAvoy... ♥

Saturday, June 4, 2011

via Facebook

Last Saturday - today: Cab, airport, plane, Bangkok, Arnoma Hotel, skywalk, shopping, Siam Paragon, Central World, Mambo Cabaret, Chatuchak, Madame Tussauds @ Siam Discovery, Mah Boon Krong, Gems Gallery, Platinum, Samurai Burger, Laem Cha-Reon Seafood, airport, plane, LCCT, cab, a night at home, Sepang, staff retreat, team building @ Empress Hotel, home, long nap, Mist Club @ Bangsar at 11pm later. Go figure.

Friday, May 27, 2011

American Idol 2011 Finale - Jacob Lusk, Gladys Knight & Kirk Franklin (I Smile)

A fellow Jesus Freak, the legendary Kirk Franklin singing about our good God Almighty on AI! *woot!*

ARTiculations: I almost lost it!

A brilliant, tongue-in-cheek piece on extremism... =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Message from God:

"You have immeasurable potential. Just as a tiny seed can become a giant redwood tree, you have only scratched the surface of your potential. You have the creator of the universe on your team and you've been given the ball, so run with it. Run knowing that you have immeasurable potential."

I've been hearing this a lot from different people (who don't even know each other) lately... =)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

via Facebook

As you all should know by now, I work at Dream Centre (behind Jaya 33) so as I was driving home from work yesterday evening, I saw many police cars and people in front of the building ( and I didn't know why. I just heard that it was due to a bomb scare! First, acid splasher lurking around my church on Sunday and then bomb scare behind my office yesterday? Is the world going mad?

Love North Korea -

"There are thousands of testimonies like hers coming out of North Korea pleading for our help. And not just from North Korea but from all over the world. These North Koreans believe God loves North Korea. But do we believe it? And if so how do we show it?"

Not For Sale: End Human Trafficking and Slavery -

Not For Sale equips and mobilises Smart Activists to re-abolish slavery — in their own backyards and across the globe. Not For Sale believes every individual has a skill they can contribute to fight human trafficking, and together we can end slavery in our lifetime.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

via Facebook

"Be a coward and forever you'll be a loser. You'll never get to do all the things you want in life and you'll never achieve your dreams. Don't wait for others, don't you care what others might think. Just make a move, just go ahead and do whatever you wanna do and you'll be one step closer to being who you wanna be and where you wanna be. Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, wondering, 'What if...'" - Laila W. Rahim

Skitzo by Ryan Higa (nigahiga)

Skitzo - The Introduction of Characters:

Skitzo - The Halloween Story (PG13):

Skitzo - The Public Service Announcement:

Skitzo - The "Puffing" Valentine's Day:

Skitzo - The Despicable "Eww" Me:

I was created just right!

Each kind of bird has a uniquely-shaped beak, wings, and even feather so that everything about it is perfect for the lifestyle it lives. The various wing shapes allow them to dart after a bug, soar miles above a field, or fly for months over the ocean. Just as God cares enough to give each bird exactly what it needs, so I have been given the exact talents and personality to live the life God has given me!

WORD! I mean, AMEN!!! ^_^

via Facebook

I had such a blast jamming with my boys last night. We went on for four hours! Looks like we'll be alright, after all... =) Our new drummer is such a sweetheart, we all adore him! ♥ He made us all bond again and we even came up with some sick funk grooves and guitar and bass riffs last night. I can't wait to fine-tune them into a bluesy, funky song! We're back, baby! 8-)

Now my voice is so husky and hoarse, I can probably sing 'The House of the Rising Sun' better than Haley Reinhart did on American Idol... ;P

Saturday, May 21, 2011

via Mobile Web

I'm watching The Hangover again on HBO and it still cracks me up. I heard there's a sequel...? Now I know what to watch for our next movie night! =)

Friday, May 20, 2011

via Mobile Web

I was shocked when Casey was voted out and when I found out that Haley is not in the Top 2, I started to wonder why the Americans voted out the only true artistes in the competition. I mean, it doesn't take a musical genius to see that Casey and Haley should have been the Top 2.

We need more bluesy, husky-voiced artiste like Haley. We don't need another Carrie Underwood/Taylor Swift artiste like Lauren, or another Keith Urban/Tim McGraw artiste like Scotty. I like country music but there are many good country artistes already. I want more artistes like Casey and Haley! =/

Former Softcellians Reunion Dinner at Fisherman's Wharf @ Taman Desa

Siew Ming and I!

One Angel is missing... Vincee Tan! Come join us the next time, Vinceebaby... we miss you!

(via Sheikh Hafiz's Facebook for iPhone)

via Facebook

When a precious 5-year-old boy scratched his leg till it started bleeding profusely, the class teacher brought him to me, believing I could be the school nurse. I recovered quickly from the initial shock and focused on cleaning his wound properly, applying antiseptic and putting a bandage on it. Thank God I've always been good with kids so he calmed down and flashed me a sweet smile when he thanked me... ♥

Thursday, May 19, 2011

via Facebook

‎"I can't brag about my love for God because I fail Him daily, but I can brag about His love for me because it never fails." -Owl City

via Facebook

If he/she doesn't love you at your worst, he/she doesn't deserve you at your best. #relationshiptip101

Wishing For You

It often doesn't matter how it starts
The best things can happen with a gentle touch
I'm not ashamed to say, I would be more than okay
If by some chance you'd just ask me to stay

Do I see a twinkle of hope that's in your eyes?
When you smile it feels so right, it's no surprise
It's only you and I under the stars of tonight
Do we dare take it to where it feels right?

How do I see what's right for me?
Do I deny what's inside?

If I had wings I would fly
Lifting my soul to the skies
If I had nine lives to live
Wish I had you to be with
If I could make dreams come true
Of all the things I would do
I know that I would be wishing for you

Don't get me wrong, I don’t live a life of dreams
But sometimes it's easier for me
Why does it feel so right, believing it day and night?
Wishing that someday you might be with me

How do I see what's right for me?
Do I deny what's inside?

If I had wings I would fly
Lifting my soul to the skies
If I had nine lives to live
Wish I had you to be with
If I could make dreams come true
Of all the things I would do
I know that I would be wishing for you

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.

People are always judging each other and the truth is, they're not very good at it. Don't put a lot of concern into what people think of you. You weren't created to please and entertain everyone. You were created to be YOU, so feel good about yourself! =)

Monday, May 16, 2011

via Facebook

I got a yummy, chocolaty gift from a student for Teacher's Day... but I'm not even a teacher! =P So sweet... both the gesture and the gift itself. Happy Teacher's Day, educators! ^_^

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love of My Life

Dudes and babes, presenting Zack Kim, my former collegemate/friend/fellow musician... proud of you always, Zack! ;)

Justin Bieber feat. Jaden Smith (son of Will Smith) - Never Say Never

"Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up, up, up! And never say never..."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

via Facebook

I finally watched 'Never Say Never' last night with another "secret Belieber" at my place: my partner-in-crime/tatt buddy/rockstar-in-two-bands, L-Boi. Instead of getting another tatt together, we danced to JB at home! ♥ Seriously, JB is really talented, and he's a sweet teenager who appreciates his fans, friends and family. They're proud of him, so why do other people love to hate him? I just don't get it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

via Facebook

My new colleague kept calling me "Rachel! Rachel!" from outside my room and I, of course, didn't answer him for obvious reasons. So when he came in and asked, "I called you so many times... why didn't you answer me?" I replied, "Because... my name is not Rachel...?" Then he looked like he wanted to shrivel up and die right then and there because the people within earshot were giggling... LOL!

Google Chrome: Dear Sophie

This video moved me... =')

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Serial acid splasher now attacks at night

More women and even a baby fall victim to new acid attacks.

We need a Behavioral Analysis Unit to solve this case. Does Malaysia have a BAU?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

via Facebook

‎"Our 'Beautiful Mess', 'Build The Bridge' and 'Red Rose Bouquet' music videos will premiere on Astro in June!" --The Experibels

Friday, May 6, 2011

Listen up, the youths are talking

‎"We need to look at the various ways to empower children, teenagers and youths and see how we can add value to it." -

Monday, May 2, 2011

via Facebook

Not many people are aware of this but I've been battling demons for the longest time. True, there were some victorious battles but right now, I feel like I'm in the losing end. I'm too physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted to fight them lately. I'm slipping into the black hole again. Please pray for me.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

via Facebook

Ohmygoodness. Half an hour ago, my bestie was watching Criminal Minds at home when she heard screams and noises, followed by faint sounds of frantic footsteps. Then she heard a loud thud. When she looked down the balcony, she saw a body lying on the ground.

She just told me that the Indian man is certified dead because the body is now covered and his wife is crying hysterically. How surreal for my bestie. It's like she's in an episode of Criminal Minds herself now... except that what happened was very real! *shudders* The unfortunate incident happened at Arena Green, Bukit Jalil.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

via Facebook

I'm loving our new drummer! ♥ He can play the drums, the piano, the guitar (both acoustic and bass), he can harmonise with me AND he can beatbox! And he's only 20 years old! Most importantly, he has a good attitude and a positive vibe, unlike some of the drummers we worked with before... =)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

You have no right to wish for more...

... until you fully appreciate what you already have. It's not the amount that matters, but the blessings you are able to receive from it. A slice of stale bread gives more to the beggar, than a new house to the rich. Everything you have has unending blessings for you hidden inside. Learn to receive them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

via Facebook

I know this is too much to ask for but I'm praying that this coming Tuesday's audition is gonna change our lives forever... for the better! It's time to press forward and show the world who we are and what we're made of! An AIM Award shall be ours soon! ;)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear Jesus,

You didn't have to suffer and die as a human being for a wretch like me, but You did. Thank You for paying my debt in full when You lived a perfect life, died and rose again... conquering death as the ultimate sacrificial Lamb so that we would have a place in heaven! Thank You for being YOU, the true and LIVING God who created me, watches over me, loves me, hears my prayers, and who intervenes!

Your daughter, Princess Michelle

Friday, April 22, 2011

via Facebook

Allow the winds of change to blow through your life. Life is a learning process, and changes can be wonderful opportunities for growth. Don't be afraid of change! Embrace it and grow!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Buy one at your nearest bookstore today!

CHIN UP by Kenneth Chin: "A halftime look at the journey of one man’s faith and the faithfulness of his God."

Help support my pastor! ^_^

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The quality of life is a result of many small actions.

It's not New Year resolutions or big promises that make or break life; it's the innumerable small actions you take every hour that compound into a life well lived. Look at how you are living moment to moment to know whether at the end of your life you will be looking back with pride or sorrow.

via Facebook

Wow... I've never received so many phone calls, SMSes, PMs, IMs, Tweets, emails, surprises, gifts and dinner invites for my birthday before! I spent most of my working hours yesterday on the phone and computer, saying my thank-yous to you guys! Your love, encouragement and kind words have filled my heart with a warmth and joy you can't imagine... ♥

I'm thoroughly enjoying my two-week long birthday celebrations with y'all! ^_^

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

via Facebook

No one can write on my wall because I don't want anyone to disclose some private joke here or some personal information about myself on my wall for the entire world to see. It got me into trouble before... ;P Thank you for your birthday wishes via phone call, SMS, PM, IM and even... photo comment! Thank you, guys! I feel so loved and blessed!!! ♥

Monday, April 18, 2011

via Facebook

So blessed by Pastor Kenneth Chin's message on 'Perception, Expectation & Reception' yesterday morning (Matthew 13:53-58) and Pastor Andy Yeoh's message on 'New Level, New Devil' at the evening service! Yesterday was such a significant day for me in so many ways as an unofficial Acts partner! =)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

via Facebook

Is it just me or is this year's American Idol the best one EVER? The year that Kris Allen won, I thought the Top 5 then were the best performers on the show but this year's Top 11 blew me away! It was almost impossible to choose a favourite because ALL Top 11 had uber mad talent! WOW! Casey Abrams is my personal favourite now... =P His musicianship and artistic expression are BRILLIANT!

The Power of Words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world.

This hits home...

"God will give you everything you need once you are ready to receive. God is abundant and is only waiting for you to make yourself ready to receive what you truly need. Think now what can you do to make yourself ready?"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Journey to the Cross

Instead of the usual staff devotion after lunch today, my boss had signed us up for Journey To The Cross from 1pm to 2pm at Dream Centre:

A message to all leaders... =)

You need to maintain a balance between your needs and others' needs. Yes, it's not an easy balance to keep, but try you must. Give too much, drain yourself, and there is nothing left only bitter space. Give too little, become a cork, and you block the flow of God's love through you. Keep on balancing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

via Facebook

Me: So... bila kahwin? | Vinchu: Waiting for you to say, "I do..." | Me: Awww... but you never even asked! | LOL! Babi hutanz... ♥

via Facebook

I got an invite to attend the red carpet movie premiere of 'Seru' (directed by Woo Ming Jin and Pierre Andre) tonight at Wangsa Walk Mall! I'll be going with a couple of close, personal friends who happen to be talented writers-cum-directors and I'm very proud of them... ;) I wonder if the movie premiere will be grander than the ones I used to organise with my Marketing Director for IF magazine. We shall see... ^_^

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

via Facebook

My four-year-old niece Lois was born a day before my 22nd birthday so since then, my family and I have been celebrating both our birthdays together. I just bought a cute pencil case and some rock-chick hair clips for her so I texted my eldest brother (Lois' dad), saying, "I wonder if my cutie pie would like them." He replied, "She doesn't like to be called 'cute' anymore; it's 'pretty' now." She's such a vain pot!

There was one time, we called Lois a "cutie pie" and she went like, "Sounds like a cat! Meow! Meow! Meow!" LOL! She makes me laugh all the time... ;P

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I believe...

... that I will blossom. A flower starts deep under the dirt and has to fight against gravity in the darkness before finally breaking free and opening its bloom to the sun. I may feel like I'm in darkness and everything around me is muddy, but I'll keep pushing toward the Light and when the time is right, I will burst into blossom!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

via Facebook

Looking forward to next month's Bangkok trip! *woot!* And then Hong Kong at the end of the year, UK, Paris, Rome and Finland next year, and mayyybe New York for Christmas the year after next? =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I can't stop watching @TheRealRyanHiga's videos!

He's cute AND funny...

Oh... don't know who Ryan Higa is?

Ryan Higa was born and raised in Hilo, a small town of 50,000 people, on the Big Island of Hawaii. He was born on June 6th in 1990 to parents Wendell and Luci Higa.

His YouTube channel has over 3,000,000 subscribers and became #1 - Most Subscribed (All Time) in August 2009.

Ryan is currently a student at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, majoring in Film and hopes to be successful someday in the entertainment industry as an actor, writer, producer and director... and stars in his own TV series.

Here are the best of Ryan Higa aka nigahiga:

Why Chris Brown Beat Rihanna

Off The Pill - Rebecca Black (Friday)

Daily Life of Rustin Hieber

Honk For Japan!

Shed a Tear

Word of the Day - Bromance

Movies In Minutes - Facebook The Movie

Malaysia No.1 in English in Asia

At last, something to be proud of!

Malaysia boleh! Although there's much (deserved) grumbling about our national English standards, it happens that we're actually in the first spot for... [CLICK HERE to continue reading.]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Friday Lyrics Analyzed with Rebecca Black

Finally, the mystery behind the lyrics to Rebecca Black's 'Friday' will be revealed to the world:

This is obviously an attempt by her manager/PR firm to put a positive spin (via humour) on a poorly written song. It's all about marketing and damage control.

Monday, April 4, 2011

via Facebook

Reject panic with praise. Replace worry with worship. Relieve anxiety with adoration.

Spread love!

There are countless ways to love God:

Love God through love for your parents.

Love God through love for your spouse.

Love God through love for your children.

Love God through love for your friends.

Love God through love for your country.

For God is in all these and much, infinitely, more.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Fool's 2011: Complex Numbers in Math Class

This is impressive! Check it out:

Love Language

I didn't think I would shed a tear at the end of this video. But I did.

There are moments in life when we feel a connection so deep, words can hardly describe it. But how do we know that it's real? This is a story of a boy who meets a girl and falls in love.

Friday, April 1, 2011

via Facebook

Ohmyword. Alvin was so sure that I would have trouble waking up this morning after last night's party. Ha! Not only did I manage to wake up when the alarm clock rang this morning, I woke up EARLIER than usual, had my devotion, had a long bath, had my breakfast AND chatted with my parents about last night before going to work. I still feel really energised, man. Thanks, Red Bull! (No, this is not an ad.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

via Facebook

I'm excited about tomorrow night's 2nd Anniversary Party @ MIST CLUB! It's a private party (by invitation only) so I'll be bringing four special guests... ;) As a VIP, I can get a few VIP passes for you (1 VIP pass admits holder + 2 guests) if you wanna party with us! It's from 9pm till midnight, free-flow of beverages and the dress code is club chic. PM me if you want those VIP passes!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

via Facebook

Everything I once held dear... I count it all as loss.

It's important you maintain your natural rhythm of life.

Everyone has their own rhythm of living -- for some it's faster, for others it's slower. When you are forced to live outside your own rhythm, it's exhausting. Remember to keep coming back to your own rhythm.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Random Food Post

The chef personally recommended this dish to me last night at Cristang: Caramelised Boiled Bacon served with Grilled Shiitake Mushrooms and Carrots, and Garlic Mashed Potatoes, dressed with Merlot Jus Reduction... *swoons* It was HEAVENLY. I had this dish with a glass of Sangria... ahhh... bliss... ^_^

Friday, March 25, 2011

via Facebook

Cloudless skies will break. Kings and queens will shake.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

via Facebook

‎[Breaking News]: Earthquake with preliminary magnitude of 7.0 just struck Myanmar. Pray!

The Afters - Light Up The Sky

♪ So I run straight into Your arms... You're the bright and morning Sun... to show Your love, there's nothing You won't do...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

via Facebook

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ who have been fretting about the rising persecution of Christians... read, understand and meditate on Psalm 37:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Generosity Will Make You Rich

The best thing to do if you're feeling poor is to give something away. Give a few dollars to a homeless person, some clothes to a thrift store, or pay for the person behind you at the drive-through or toll. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you DO have and how you can bless others with it. Being able to give is a Divine gift in itself.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

via Mobile Web

Elder Wai Kong was sharing about the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac (from Genesis) so I turned to my mom and whispered, "It could happen to you too. And I want a baby sister." Ironically, she let out the kinda laugh that Sarah probably did too... =P

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rebecca Black - Friday

This is officially the most unintelligent song I've ever heard and the music video is as lame as it sounds. I mean, seriously. Listen to the lyrics. This song would be a hit in Dumb Blonde Land.

via Facebook

Happy 1st anniversary... ;) ♥

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To all the queue jumpers and selfish people in Malaysia...

... learn from the behaviour of the Japanese in the face of disaster, grief, adversity and suffering.

It is so humbling to witness the disciplined manner that these people carry themselves, queueing patiently for aid and helping each other at the relief centres:

The truth is...

... everyone is gonna hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. Look around, look closely at the people in your life right now, and ask yourself about each one, "Is (s)he worth suffering for?"

Monday, March 14, 2011

via Facebook

‎"When the oceans rise and thunders roar... I will soar with You above the storm... Father, You are King over the flood... I will be still and know You are God..."

Powderfinger - My Happiness

via Facebook

I wonder why some people like to assume you're single when they never actually asked about your love life. You're taking your time to choose and yet these ignorant people would tell you, "Get to know more guys/girls!" It's fine they never made the effort to ask about your love life, but to assume you're NOT single by CHOICE is not only annoying; it's insulting. Seriously.

If these people were people who didn't know you well, you wouldn't blame them, right? But if they're people related to you and they THINK they "know" you when they actually don't, doesn't it tick you off?

via Mobile Web

I woke up this morning feeling like I got "adjusted" by the Adjustment Bureau. Hmmm...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

via Facebook

My mom just told me she had an afro hairdo back in the late '70s and early '80s and she was really proud of it. I wanna have a 'fro too, yo. And call myself Lakeisha.

I wanna be ghetto. I wanna shake my 'fro in da club.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

via Facebook

Dear local filmmakers, production communicators, and storytellers, here's an intimate session you wouldn't wanna miss: Starbucks Live & Inspire Series features Lina Tan & Zalila Lee

Saturday, March 5, 2011

via Facebook

We The Experibels will be shooting three music videos (Beautiful Mess, Red Rose Bouquet and Build The Bridge) tomorrow at Desa Sri Hartamas, courtesy of MS Post Production and Rock Unite. The music videos are sponsored by RTM Radio for their RTM Muzik Aktif show (Channel 180) on Astro! Honestly, I'm more nervous than excited... we'll be shooting against a green screen and all! o_O

March 6 at 11:05pm:
I just got home! It was dead tiring, to be honest. It was a 9-hour outdoor shoot... but we had a blast! It was fun having the production crew with us (there were about 15 of them, I think) going to various locations to shoot, and having people assisting us, doing and fixing our hair and makeup, changing our outfits in a portable changing room... we felt like rockstars! Actually, we kinda are now... haha! It was so awesome to have onlookers taking videos and photos of us on locations, man! After the shoot, we were interviewed and it's gonna be aired on Channel 180 on Astro soon. I can't wait to watch our videos on Astro! ^_^

Friday, March 4, 2011

via Facebook

‎"Girls are like apples. The best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't wanna reach for the good ones because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along; the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree." - Pete Wentz

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To everyone I know, and to everyone who knows me,

I don't usually post stuff like this, but there must be a reason why I was led to post this up for you to read. I believe that all of us are too distracted with the things in our lives to realise that the end is really near. Many of the signs written in the Bible have come to pass: the natural disasters, the wars, the lawlessness, the religious clashes... all the evil that seems to abound... they are just the beginning. So I believe God really wants us to be still, and listen to what He has to say.

This is a PDF file link:*ZpQ.

I urge you to click on it, save it in your computer, read it and then pass it on. You may believe it, you may be sceptical, but I urge you to at least read it through, and be prepared for the end nevertheless.

We often forget we don't live forever; not on earth, at least. But it really doesn't matter when we die; as long as we die with the assurance that we're going to be with the Lord. So if you were to die today, and you were standing before God at heaven's gates, and He asked you, "Why should I let you in?", what would you say?

Think about it.


via Mobile Web

As much as I didn't wanna admit it, I had in fact been building walls between us, keeping us apart. But something happened to my heart yesterday and for the first time in months, I heard You calling me. I truly understand now that I can't keep on running away from You. Daddy, I'm home.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I love what the narrator says in the beginning. Lemme try to translate: "No one has ever seen the wind (with the naked eye), but when you see a feather floating in the air, you then know of the wind's existence. The same goes for God's love."

via Facebook

‎"Never ever met a guy so fly, got me hooked like apple pie..."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

via Facebook Toolbar for Firefox

God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece... ;)

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Best of Burlesque

My favourite scenes from Burlesque are...

the 'Tough Lover' scene


the 'Show Me How You Burlesque' scene

*shakes booty*

via Mobile Web

I wanna watch Black Swan and The King's Speech.

Friday, February 25, 2011

via Nokia

I had lunch with mommy at Sushi Tei @ Tropicana City Mall today. It ain't as good as the food at Ishin... =|

I'll be using this Nokia X6 till I get my HTC Desire HD next week... =)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

via Facebook

It's official: my Sony Ericsson phone died-ed. Certified dead at 8.47pm on 24 February 2011. So I'll be getting my HTC Desire HD tomorrow! *crosses fingers*

via Facebook

I lost count of the number of times I said, "WOW!" while watching Burlesque last night. I've always been a huge fan of Christina Aguilera and after last night, Christina is without a doubt the most beautiful white girl I've ever seen who has the most beautiful (black girl's) singing voice I've ever heard! Mad talent... MAD! I wanna watch it again!

Since Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore aka The Pop Princesses came out in the late '90s, Christina has been the only one who can actually sing. And who knew she could act too! WOW!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

That Effing Show: #46 The St. Valentine's Day Massacre

And what a bloody massacre it was. JAKIM was on the prowl, raiding hotels, arresting folks for having... *gasps* dinner with each other, for declaring their undying love for one another. Nasrudin Hasan, the PAS youth chief got his 15 minutes of fame; his name appearing in AFP, The Huffington Post, and The New Zealand Herald.

In the spirit of "opening a can of whoop-ass", we're calling out Dato' Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah for making up stuff about Valentine's Day, so we give a little history lesson of our own.

P.S. - No flowers or candy please, nanti masuk lokap.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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At last night's Wii session with a friend and her hubby, I "won" a "tennis match" so now I can't wait to beat them again at "tennis", "bowling" and eventually... Super Mario Bros! ;P I wanna get a Wii soon... AFTER I've gotten a Samsung Galaxy Tab... ^_^

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Yesterday, after watching Sini Ada Hantu (which was so good, I don't mind watching it again!) with bestie Gina Yap, we went shopping for clothes for her book cover photoshoot (yeah, she's not only a scriptwriter; she's an author too!) Anyway, that shopping trip got me wondering if I should get a new outfit for my upcoming music video shoot... hmmm...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

via Facebook

Sometimes, you really don't realise how much you've missed some people until you see them again after a while. My bandmates and I had a rock-out jam session just now after a month of hiatus. Me lovey my boys! ♥

Monday, February 14, 2011

Your Divine Valentine

A Valentine may play a love song for you,
but God sings you the sweetest love song in the universe:
"The Lord your God... will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
(Zephaniah 3:17)

A Valentine may give you flowers,
but God sent you the most beautiful Rose of all; Jesus:

"I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the valleys."
(Song of Solomon 2:1)

A Valentine may bring you chocolates,
but God provides you with something even sweeter; His Word:

"How sweet are Your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

(Psalm 119:103)

A Valentine may love you for a lifetime,
but God loved you before you were born
and will love you for all eternity:

"Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love...
with lovingkindness I have drawn you."

(Jeremiah 31:3)

The first Valentine message is still the best one ever sent:

The First Valentine
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

via Facebook

Joking aside, there really is no such thing as "Very Important People" and "not so important people" in a church. Why put labels when God wants us to worship together in church as one? The church is not supposed to be like high school, where "the popular and talented" are overshadowing "the low-profile".

Whilst you should acknowledge and encourage the talented, don't ever make the shy and reserved ones feel unimportant. Work on unleashing their potential instead.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

'Sini Ada Hantu' Trailer (10 February 2011)

James Lee's new horror film Sini Ada Hantu is in the cinemas now and Pete Teo is in it. Help support our local film industry! =)

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‎"If parents don't teach their kids character, their kids will squander all their sweat and toil. If parents don't teach them business and entrepreneurship, the poor fellas will be 'reinventing the wheel' generation after generation; stuck in employment, subservient and fearful of the 'unknown'." - Joshua Lee, a former lecturer of mine. Well said, Josh! =)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

via Facebook

I just received an email from the COO of Rock Unite saying that The Experibels has been confirmed by RTM Radio to be featured in the 3 music videos for RTM Muzik Aktif as per the 3 songs we submitted to them! Music video shoot will be on 6 March 2011, Sunday! Apparently, we'll be shooting against a green screen! Is this super cool or what?!

via Facebook

Okay, for the record, Harry Shum, Jr. AND Shia La Beouf are MINE. All MINE. Back off, Jasmine Moot-lei Kow... ;P Mike Chang!!! ♥

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big & Rich - Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace

I was raised by the Good Book
Learned to work hard every day
Taught that if you can't say something good
There's nothing good to say
And I caught on pretty early
It's no use to work no harder than you play
So I guess that's how I ended up this way

Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace
Is a place I keep finding myself
Yeah, I get a lil' crazy tryina have a lil' fun
Then I end up back where I started from
Down on my knees, I pray
Oh Lord, let me see another day
Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace

I give it everything I got
Tryina give more than I take
For heaven's sake, I keep on smiling
No matter what comes my way
And I may be passing out on Friday night
But come Sunday
I'll be passing the collection plate, yeah


Yeah, I know I'm a sinner, but I've got faith
Oh, my good side is what He's gonna see
When I'm standing at them pearly gates
He'll have nothing but mercy for me


Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace

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Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

阿牛 - 至霖情歌

A friend of mine who barely knows Cantonese sang this song by Aniu 阿牛 at a mutual friend's wedding recently (so you can imagine the effort put in to make it good). I've always thought this song was cute but that was the first time I heard it sung at a wedding! Anyway, enjoy the song! (If you're not a fan of Aniu in one way or another, you're not a true Chinese-Malaysian! =P)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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‎"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his." - Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895

Inedible Japanese toy (modern version of Play-Doh?) for kids...

... but I think it's more suitable for adults who wanna relive their 'masak-masak' days!

Oh snap. I can't stop watching Konapun videos on YouTube. They're so addictive! >.< I wanna play 'masak-masak'!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

via Andy Yeoh

Okay, now I'm really ticked off! At 3:22 of the video, you'll hear her claim that "berdisko, kelakuan maksiat and berkhalwat" are Christian traditions on Valentine's Day! We've been tolerant and gracious for so long even though you demolish our churches, persecute us, etc. but enough is enough! I'm so outraged!!!

I don't know why I'm still surprised. I guess I never knew there was THIS level of low... until now. Since when Valentine's Day is a Christian celebration??? How do statements like these on TV reflect One Malaysia, huh?! These "religious leaders" are imbecilic nincompoops!!!

Like what Anas Zubedy once told me, "Stupidity and bigotry come in all colours and creeds." No one talks about my God, my church, my people, my beliefs and my faith that way and expects to get away with it. NO ONE.

Get your facts right, Ustazah! It's not a "holy day" for us Christians! It's not a day that Christians actually celebrate in church. It ain't a Christian celebration per se hence I think we need to correct that impression. That Ustazah in the video says that V-Day is a day where Christians go to night clubs, engage in sexual misconduct and fornication hence Muslims are banned from celebrating this "sinful, traditional Christian celebration". C'mon!

It's good to advise our younger generation to live in purity. But putting down Christians and accusing us of things that ain't true is just disappointing. She says, "anak-anak, kena buat kajian sejarah" but her kajian (research) is not even done correctly. Why should anyone listen to her then?

(The Price of Malaysia's Racism -

Monday, February 7, 2011

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The feeling of holding baby Isaac (my four-month-old nephew) in my arms, kissing his forehead and his chubby cheeks, singing him a lullaby, stroking his lil' arm with my fingertips, and his smiling at me with his huge, gorgeous eyes right before he falls asleep in my arms is indescribable. My maternal instincts just come to surface and it's such a beautiful feeling! I can't wait to be a mother! ;P

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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The first week of Chinese New Year is usually spent with my family (immediate and extended) because my bhanders, babes, homeboys and my other homegirls are either back in their respective hometowns for at least a week, or they're busy celebrating with their families here. So I only get to see them next week... =/ I miss my bhanders the most! ♥ Plus Julia Moh and Sacha Dhanaraj! ♥♥

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♪ 是晴天... 是雨天... 天天都是好天... ♫

Friday, February 4, 2011

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I ♥ Chinese New Year because the family get-togethers are always full of love, warmth, jokes and laughter. I ♥ being with my siblings and the cousins I grew up with because we always reminisce about the funny things we did as kids. I ♥ singing and playing with my nieces (and my newborn nephew!) because their cuteness and innocence bring me so much joy and laughter. I ♥ my family -- immediate and extended! ^_^

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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恭喜发财! 祝你兔年快乐, 心想事成, 身体健康! 恭喜, 恭喜! ^_^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

[Funny or Die]: Somebody did a literal (funnier) version of the original Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' music video and they showed this at the MACC (Malaysian Association of Chinese Comedians) show last week at PJ Live Arts. Enjoy! ;)