I'm feeling unwell... and because of my stupid cough, I can't even sleep at night!!! Arrgh!!! But thank God for FRIENDS... some found out I was sick cuz they saw my MSN nickname...

Jas tagged something in my tagboard to wish me well... hehehe... thanks, gurl... *hugz* And Dan... fuiyoh... SOMEBODY is a preacher now and I didn't know about it till yesterday... well, thanks for caring, Mr. Preacher... ;D
And as for Chee Wah... thank you so very much for calling me in the middle of the night (I ain't being sarcastic here! ;D) to check on me... you are such a sweetie... *hugz* Hey, dun get me wrong, aight... I'm not tryina sweet-talk you into giving me a celly... hehehe... Anywayz, Chee Wah called me at 3 something in the morning just to check how I was... I was watching American Pie (The Wedding) at that time cuz I couldn't sleep... btw, the movie was GOOD... totally hilarious! *two thumbs up!*
Chee Wah called at the RIGHT time (so to speak) cuz I was feeling really miserable. He sorta cheered me up a lil' (we talked about Evelyn... his funny British accent... Assuntarians... Beng Beng... Len Jin...oh, thanks for telling me that Len Jin is coming back in September... ;D) and even offered to bring me to a nearby clinic today (he usta live nearby so he knows my place pretty well) but I told him that I didn't wanna see a doc cuz I hate to take medicine. So he nagged me for another half an hour until I said, "Are you gonna talk to me till 5 a.m.? " And he managed to make me feel REALLY BAD by saying something like this, "Well, okie, good night then... I know the movie is more important than me anyway..." Hahaha!!! You said I was EVIL the other day... remember? For taking your pic? ;p Now WHO'S EVIL??? Hehehe...
I hope you are reading this... cuz I want you to know that I really appreciate what you did... thanks, Chee Wah!!! Hope to see you next weekend! *crosses fingers until they cramp*
Jas tagged something in my tagboard to wish me well... hehehe... thanks, gurl... *hugz* And Dan... fuiyoh... SOMEBODY is a preacher now and I didn't know about it till yesterday... well, thanks for caring, Mr. Preacher... ;D
And as for Chee Wah... thank you so very much for calling me in the middle of the night (I ain't being sarcastic here! ;D) to check on me... you are such a sweetie... *hugz* Hey, dun get me wrong, aight... I'm not tryina sweet-talk you into giving me a celly... hehehe... Anywayz, Chee Wah called me at 3 something in the morning just to check how I was... I was watching American Pie (The Wedding) at that time cuz I couldn't sleep... btw, the movie was GOOD... totally hilarious! *two thumbs up!*
Chee Wah called at the RIGHT time (so to speak) cuz I was feeling really miserable. He sorta cheered me up a lil' (we talked about Evelyn... his funny British accent... Assuntarians... Beng Beng... Len Jin...oh, thanks for telling me that Len Jin is coming back in September... ;D) and even offered to bring me to a nearby clinic today (he usta live nearby so he knows my place pretty well) but I told him that I didn't wanna see a doc cuz I hate to take medicine. So he nagged me for another half an hour until I said, "Are you gonna talk to me till 5 a.m.? " And he managed to make me feel REALLY BAD by saying something like this, "Well, okie, good night then... I know the movie is more important than me anyway..." Hahaha!!! You said I was EVIL the other day... remember? For taking your pic? ;p Now WHO'S EVIL??? Hehehe...
I hope you are reading this... cuz I want you to know that I really appreciate what you did... thanks, Chee Wah!!! Hope to see you next weekend! *crosses fingers until they cramp*
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