Thursday, November 17, 2005

25th Day Of Internship At Batey Ads

I came to work at almost 9.30 a.m., thinking I was late but when I went upstairs, the whole Creative Department was practically empty... only Lee Yin Loon aka Lee (Art Director) was sitting at his desk. Lee told me that they were all rushing to finish the BP ads last night... they left the office at 3 a.m. Then Lee said he is almost free for the rest of the day... so I took the opportunity to ask Lee to show me some of his work. He showed me the latest BP ads, and he even taught me how to use hue & saturation, putting layers, masking... stuff like that... =P He showed me some Telekom ads too... as well as some award-winning ads (done by him) like the Mercedes Benz ads, the Peugeot ads, etc. That was totally slammin'!!!

Julian Yap, the Creative Director, was out most of the day cuz she went for the BP presentation with Abbasher Ariff aka Abbas (Group Account Director), Eric Foo (Strategic Planning Director) and Julius Lee (Account Director). As for the rest of the Creative guys: Puven Chandran (Copywriter), James Tai (FA Artist) and Wilson Leong (Art Director), they only came in slightly after 10 a.m. Chew Hui Ling (FA Artist) didn't come in today.

I didn't do much today... I surfed the Net and chatted online most of the day... *blushes* After lunchtime, Puven lemme borrow another book from him... I forgot the name of the book but it contained all the award-winning ads in 2004.

Then at 4 ish, all of us were getting bored... hahaha... we watched some funny video clips on James' PC... gosh... they are a bunch of wonderfully weird and funny guys... always making me laugh like crazy... kekeke...

As for Brandon, he was being so sweet today... *sighs happily* Before I left the office, he told me that he wanted to call me tonight... just to hear my voice... aww... *heart melts* but I told him that we're seeing each other after work tmr night anyway. Then after dinner, I came online to update my blog... and he was still online, which means that he was still in the office. I asked him what he was doing, assuming he was doing work but he said he had been waiting for me to come online (since I didn't want him to call)... He is so incredibly sweet... I think I'm in love... *giggles*

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