Last Sat night (April 15th), I went to Rogers' birthday dinner (steamboat) with his closest friends in Taman Yulek, Cheras. Elvin and his brothers (Rogers' godbros) couldn't make it to the dinner as they had something on; and Rogers' best friend, Sam, and her bf, Han had another dinner to attend so Rogers felt really frustrated that his best friends couldn't make it to the dinner. He almost called the dinner off but in the end, the 11 of us: Rogers, Sunjoong, Mindy, Diana, KC, Calvin, Mavis, Joyce, Isaac, Stephanie and I had a good time anywayz... =)
This bunch of people (esp. Sunjoong, Calvin and KC) are among the wackiest ppl I've ever met and hanging out with them can never be boring, esp. with Rogers' other best friend, Sunjoong (the Korean lead vocalist of MiLLa). Sunjoong and I had sorta become "close" that night... hahaha... because we both love to drink. I drank nearly 2 glasses of beer during the dinner... ;P They made baby drink a lot till he got a bit tipsy... he was acting strange and he wasn't himself at all... =S
Anywayz, after the dinner, they sang the birthday song to him and we had blueberry cheese cake for dessert (made by Elvin's bro, Jason). They sang the birthday song to me too... cuz baby announced that my birthday (April 19th) actually comes before his (April 21st)... ^_^ Baby kissed me twice in front of his friends... once after they sang the birthday song to him and then another time after they sang to me. Sam and Han came just in time for dessert... and Sam took some pics of us:

Diana took this pic when Calvin and Sunjoong forced Rogers to drink a "special" cocktail (you wouldn't wanna know what they put inside... *shudders*)
April Babies
After the dinner, we went to a private birthday party of a friend of Sunjoong's named Annie. It was held in a service apartment at Holiday Villa in Ampang... and Sunjoong drank till he puked... =P We played a card game where the one who gets the smallest number has to drink the whole cup of Chivas and red wine. Unfortunately, I never lost a game that night... so I didn't get to drink much... =P Surprisingly, I managed to control myself and I was sober (sorta) the entire night... hehehe... ;D
Then the next day, which was Sun (April 16th), I had a wonderful time with baby's family (his parents, paternal grandparents and his sisters: Jasmine, Joanne and Janice) and Elvin's family. We had lunch at Esquire Kitchen and Jason (Elvin's bro) made another yummy blueberry cheese cake just for baby. It was supposed to be baby's birthday lunch but since his parents knew that my birthday is just 2 days before his, they sang the birthday song to me as well... =D Btw, baby's Mom bought me a jewelry box and his Dad bought me a gold cross for my birthday... I feel so touched... *sniffs*
Top (from left): Jason, Joanne, Rogie, Janice, Jasmine, Elvin & Jeremy
Bottom (from left): Rogie's Dad, Rogie's Mom, Elvin's Mom & Elvin's Dad
(This photo was taken quite some time ago)
Rogers' paternal grandparents... they are such a cute couple... ;D
After lunch, I went to baby's house to chill and there, we looked thru his old photo albums. Btw, we both bought American ginseng tea for each other's parents... =) At 4 ish, we went back to my house to chill cuz my family dinner (for MY birthday) was starting at 6.30 p.m. so we thought of getting some rest at my house before the dinner. We looked thru some of my old photo albums as well... and baby couldn't help but laugh at my old pics... =_=
The birthday dinner was organized by my parents and those who attended the dinner were: Rogers, Mom, Dad, Kelvin (2nd elder bro), Joe (youngest bro), Kenneth (eldest bro), Li Li (Kenneth's wife), Eunice (their daughter), Jessie (my cousin), Daniel (her hubby), Aunty Cathy, Uncle Jimmy, Godma (who's also my Mom's eldest sis), Uncle Dick (my Godma's bf, whose real name is Richard Stauffeur, an American from Seattle), and Aunty Theresa.
The birthday dinner was organized by my parents and those who attended the dinner were: Rogers, Mom, Dad, Kelvin (2nd elder bro), Joe (youngest bro), Kenneth (eldest bro), Li Li (Kenneth's wife), Eunice (their daughter), Jessie (my cousin), Daniel (her hubby), Aunty Cathy, Uncle Jimmy, Godma (who's also my Mom's eldest sis), Uncle Dick (my Godma's bf, whose real name is Richard Stauffeur, an American from Seattle), and Aunty Theresa.
Kelvin bought me a marble cheese cake from Secret Recipe (super duper yummy), Kenneth and Li Li bought me a beautiful necklace, Jessie and Daniel made me a beaded necklace and a pair of earrings, and then Uncle Jimmy, Aunty Cathy, my Godma and Uncle Dick, gave me angpows... =D
After dinner, we went to my Godma's new apartment in Bangsar, which was the most beautiful apartment I had ever seen in my entire life! We took a lotta pics in this apartment and the ladies (not me tho... cuz I ain't THAT vain) kept posing for pics for Daniel to take (he's a part-time photographer). We just laughed at my Mom and my aunties cuz they were posing like some beauty pageant candidates and then Daniel and my elder bros were making remarks that photographers would make... such as, "Gimme that sexy pout..." or something like that... hahaha... damn funny... ;P
After dinner, we went to my Godma's new apartment in Bangsar, which was the most beautiful apartment I had ever seen in my entire life! We took a lotta pics in this apartment and the ladies (not me tho... cuz I ain't THAT vain) kept posing for pics for Daniel to take (he's a part-time photographer). We just laughed at my Mom and my aunties cuz they were posing like some beauty pageant candidates and then Daniel and my elder bros were making remarks that photographers would make... such as, "Gimme that sexy pout..." or something like that... hahaha... damn funny... ;P
The Yoong Sisters
(From left: My Mom, Aunty Cathy, Aunty Theresa & My Godma)
The Kitchen + The Dining Area
My Godma has a plasma TV in her bedroom...
I like her bed... it looks so comfy...
Look how spacious the balcony is...
Check out the living room (She doesn't have a TV... she has an LCD projector as a TV... how cool is that???)
I took a pic with baby as well (requested by my Mom, btw) and then we even took a family pic... with baby in it! ^_^ Jessie was teasing him, saying that sooner or later, he would be part of the family anyway... =P I felt really happy when I heard that... cuz I love baby so much... and it was great to know that my family loves him too... =D
Baby & I
The Tai Family + Rogers
Rogie, Li Li, Kenneth & Princess Eunice (Actually it's a family portrait but because I look bad in it, I cut off half the pic... ;P)
Me, Godma & Jessica
Li Li & Eunice
When it was time to cut the cake, my brothers Kenneth and Kelvin, and Daniel took so many pics me... like I was some sorta celebrity... hahaha... =P We had some dessert wine too... and my Godma and Uncle Dick said that I'm legally an adult now and I should drink my "1st glass of alcohol"... kekeke... little did they know that I'm already an "alcoholic"... hahaha... Baby gave me a look when my Godma gave me that glass of wine... hehehe...
My 21st Birthday Cake
After baby left (he had band practice at 9 p.m.), my Mom and my aunties kept asking me about the lunch I had with baby's family. They wanted to know every single thing that happened during the lunch... =S But it was all good... cuz my Mom seemed very interested to know more about baby... and she was glad that he comes from a healthy family background.
While we were chatting, Daniel asked me to become his model for the night and I had to pose in certain ways for him to take pics of me... =_=" The pics he took were really nice tho... ;P
Daniel named this pic "The Birthday Girl Pose"
This pic looks like some cover for a Chinese drama series... hahaha...
I had wonderful weekend and I'm looking forward to the next... ^_^ So far, my homies had thrown a surprise party for me in Genting on April 2nd, and then I had dinner with baby's friends last Sat night for our birthday, and then the birthday lunch the following day with his family for our birthday, and the dinner on Sun night with my family for my birthday... whew... as far as I know, there are still more to come!
I'm prolly gonna have a small celebration with baby alone on my birthday (April 19th). On HIS birthday (April 21st), which is on Friday, we would be in SGC for the Alpha course at night... so maybe we might have a small celebration there as well... =D Last but not least, there will be a birthday lunch for us on April 30th (Sun) for all April babies (including Connie) with the Cutting Edge Youth Cell, thanks to Yennie and Mike... ^_^ They already gave me a sweet birthday card last Sun... which touched me greatly... =')
I feel so blessed to have wonderful friends and family to celebrate my birthday with me... I dun think I should ever complain about them anymore cuz I know that despite the disputes that we have sometimes... or most of the time... they still love me... =)
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