Monday, November 13, 2006

Almost Famous?

When I was about to log on to Friendster this morning, I happened to stumble upon the most discussed profiles and mine was one of them! I was so shocked!

Ever since my abduction ordeal in August, my blog is visited by many and regularly (thanks to Julz) and now my profile on Friendster is the most discussed about??? My life is so incredibly boring... why would anyone wanna discuss about me??? *raises an eyebrow*


adriantai said...

possible conversations:

A: Can you believe this girl is so boring...?
B: I can't...
A: Yalor, how can someone be so boring?

X: Eh, new cute girl in town la...
Y: Cuter (got such word ka?) that XX or not?
(XX = blogger that is truly over-rated -- can't really call her a blogger since all she does is post photos and nothing else)
X: Lagi cute la... Can maybe even win Asian Blogger Award...
Y: Really... I wanna go see her blog...

Which brings me to this Q... How come your 15mins of fame lasts more than 15mins?!? Not fair!!! :P

Enjoy la, ya...?!? ;) heh heh...

michsue said...

hahahaha!!! dun lebeh arr... looking for another slap izzit? or u wanna join the bhanders club...? *rotfl*

adriantai said...

eh... cute, good boy like me also you want to slap ka?!? :(

michsue said...

*bluek!* takkan u want me to sayang u...? later ur wife jeles... kekeke... ;P