Thursday, March 1, 2007

This Ain't A Scene [UPDATED]

Yesterday, at 6 ish, Vince called and asked for directions to my office in OUG. Jenn (the head of Sales & Marketing Team) overheard our convo and she teasingly asked if my BOYFRIEND was waiting for me downstairs. So I said, "Heck no, he's just a friend. I'm SO single." =P But she didn't quite believe me so she kept teasing me about it in front of everyone... >.< I distinctly remember Jenn saying, "Our baby has a boyfriend!" Hahaha... that was funny... ;P When Vince came up for a while, they all gawked at him as though he was some kinda superstar... =_=" Yoong Hui, my CEO, saw Vince's BMW Z4 parked downstairs and he seemed pretty impressed... hehehe... =P

Speaking of Vince's sports car, CLICK HERE.
Adrian Tai (a fellow blogger whom I have no blood relation to) dedicated this post to me... ;P

Before Vince came up, I forewarned him that my bosses were gonna ask him to be the banker cuz they were all preparing to play a game of poker in the meeting room. When Vince introduced himself to everyone in the office, I gave him a look as if to say, "Don't even JOKE about your being my boyfriend or I'll kick your @ss!" Since Angeline (a colleague of mine from the Creative Team) met Vince (thru me) before at MiLLa's gig at KL Jam Asia last Saturday, I feebly yelled, "Angeline! Your boyfriend is here!" Then the whole office laughed... hahaha... ;P Vince and I were in a hurry so we didn't join them for the game of poker... whew... I hate gambling! >.<

Anywayz, ppl, Vince is JUST A FRIEND. I'm single and available, okie... *ahem!*

After we left the office, Vince and I went to 1-Utama to shop for clothes. He needed to buy some office attire so I was his "personal shopper" & "fashion consultant" for the day... =P Then we watched Norbit at TGV. Lemme tell y'all what I think of this movie:

Norbit is a geeky orphan living in a Chinese orphanage. He has a first love there in the orphanage who moves away. He is then rescued by Rasputia, a very large girl, who then becomes his girlfriend and later his wife. The story is of their life together and the antics it provides.

Norbit has a mean-spirited tone from the opening scene of the infant Norbit being thrown from a moving car, and it never lets up from there. The characters are a collection of the worst stereotypes one can imagine seeing onscreen. The humor (if that's what you choose to call it) is drawn from the lowest variety of fat jokes, racial caricatures, and insults.

Honestly, I was extremely offended! I could not believe the use of the profanity especially when it came to be in the church. I felt like it was a total slap in the face for Christians; to let others think that this is the type of behavior that goes on in the church.

Dun get me wrong; I think Eddie Murphy is a fair comedian. Nutty Proffesor was well done with all the special effects as well as Nutty Professors 2. However, he has taken these special effects to a silly and boring extreme. I was expecting to laugh a lot more, but I thought Norbit was kinda sad and certainly gross. Norbit just gets abused his whole life, and the fat jokes at Rasputia's expense get old. I was very disappointed that Eddie Murphy reverted back to his old nasty and offensive taste in humor. I could not believe what I was viewing; it was highly degrading, vulgar and NOT funny at all.

As much as I love Eddie Murphy as a comedian, I thought this was the worst he had ever done. In all fairness though, the make-up and the characters he played were awesome but not enough to redeem the poor, moral and debaseness of the content.

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